Calgary’s Living Wage is $24.45 per hour
Living Wage now almost $10 per hour higher than Alberta's minimum wage
Working to reduce poverty in Calgary
Living Wage now almost $10 per hour higher than Alberta's minimum wage
Learn more about who to connect with on the issues you care about
Research, advocacy and engagement drove a marathon year of advancing Enough for All
A review from the Social Policy Collaborative
The cost of living, particularly housing, continues to drive the living wage up
Highlighting the experiences of poverty in Calgary's communities
Basic living shouldn't be a luxury
With affordability and inflation top of mind for many in 2022, VCC continued work advocating, educating and mobilizing
This guide will help you meaningfully engage with candidates on affordable housing, income security, and public safety
A discussion about ending child and family poverty
Not filing your taxes? You could be missing out!
Test your knowledge of the rich culture, history and language of Indigenous peoples and communities around Alberta
This End Poverty Month learn how poverty impacts all of us
Every year Enough for All is evaluated by an independent third-party. The evaluation captures our community's progress towards achieving systems change priorities. The evaluation also provides direction to Vibrant Communities Calgary on its role in successfully advancing the Enough for All Strategy.
Discussions focused on public transit, housing, and food insecurity
Our collective progress towards achieving Enough for All
Allyship tools & resources
Learn more about the steps taken to advance the development of an Indigenous gathering space within the City of Calgary
Taking Decisive Action
Public transit must be connected, convenient, accessible, and affordable
2020 Evaluation Report highlights progress in poverty reduction
Collective impact and collaboration at the centre of reducing poverty in Calgary
Evaluating our collective progress towards achieving Enough for All in 2020
Laying Bare Inequities: COVID-19, Gender, Race and Precarious Employment
Combating poverty in the earliest stages of life
Discussions focused on the Enough for All strategy's Levers of Change
Calgary influencers met with community partners who have first-hand knowledge of what it’s like to live in poverty