
Civic Engagement and Community Connections

Learn more about who to connect with on the issues you care about

3 July 2024

Getting involved can help drive positive change

Civic engagement is when people actively participate in their community through voting, volunteering, and other activities to drive positive change and improvement. It's important to know the different levels of government and how you can engage with your local representatives. This page has resources to get you started.


City Council consists of the Mayor and City Councillors, one representing each of Calgary’s 14 Wards. Councillors represent the citizens in their ward in making Council decisions that have local and city-wide impac​t. Some areas that fall into their jurisdiction include:

  • Public transportation  
  • Libraries & parks  
  • Housing  
  • Police and fire departments  
  • Garbage & recycling
  • Water & sewage
  • Roads & parking  
  • Municipal taxes

Find your Councillor


Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) represent people from across Alberta's. MLA's advocate for their constituents on provincial issues, including:

  • Healthcare 
  • Housing 
  • All levels of education (K-12 and university-level)
  • Workers' compensation
  • Income support benefits
  • Child care
  • Labour standards 

Find your MLA


Members of Parliament (MPs) represent their constituents across Canada on federal issues, including:

  • Housing  
  • Employment insurance benefits  
  • Immigration  
  • Canada pension  
  • Old age security  
  • Criminal law 
  • Income taxes  

Find your MP

Community Connections

Getting to know your neighbour is one way to make an impact on poverty reduction. There are a lot of ways you can strengthen community connections. Every little thing we do helps make our communities stronger and creates brighter futures for all.  Click on the items below for some ideas.

Downtown Calgary as viewed from an overpass on an overcast day.

Get involved

Enough for All relies on bringing together change-makers in Calgary to help us reduce poverty in our city. Whether you're an individual, a company, or an organization, you can take action to reduce poverty in Calgary.