Developed in collaboration with KRD Consulting Group and Alberta Living Wage Network (ALWN), the Living Wage Outcomes Harvest Report aims to gain insights on the impacts of VCC’s Living Wage Initiative over the past five years. The report examines the value and impact of the living wage as a tool to reduce poverty, and looks at how VCC helped inform program improvement, recruit more living wage employers, and communicate the impact of the Living Wage Initiative to funders. This report shows evidence of what changed for whom, why that change is important and how VCC contributed to that change.
The Living Wage Outcome Harvest report was evaluated and written by Jolene Fawcett of KRD Consulting. The summary version of the report was prepared by Vibrant Communities Calgary.
Many thanks go out to the evaluation team members from Vibrant Communities Calgary (Lee Stevens, Tessa Penich), Alberta Living Wage Network (Ryan Lacanilao), and KRD (Roman Katsnelson). Deep gratitude is expressed for all those who shared their time and lived experiences through interviews.