
Evaluation Report 2019

The year 2019 marked the beginning of phase two for Calgary’s Poverty Reduction Strategy. The refreshed strategy Enough for All 2.0: Leveraging Our Communities’ Leadership to Tackle Poverty in Calgary (E4A 2.0) was developed after several months of community consultation and is informed by the evaluative learnings from phase one, the first four years of the strategy (2015-2018). This evaluation report shows progress and identifies gaps in the Goals, Levers of Change, Principles and the role of the Champions and Vibrant Communities Calgary (VCC) in advancing the strategy.

The short and long-term influences of the provincial deficit, Alberta’s economic downturn and the COVID-19 pandemic are yet to be determined. It is likely that demand for resources will increase at a time when funding for social programs is at risk. We may also see a ‘new level of vulnerability’ and poverty as Calgarians who were managing before the pandemic now deal with reduced income from unemployment and mounting debt related to deferred mortgage and/or utility payments and/or use of credit to obtain emergency supplies.

Published 20 May 2020

Updated 28 November 2024